Due to the multiple socio-economic-political-geographical affiliations, culture takes different dimensions in different regions. Therefore, many differences can be noticed in the overall folk culture of a country and also in the folk culture of a particular region. Kompaniganj Upazila is a part of the ancient Samatata Janapada. So naturally a clean impression is observed in the folk culture of the upazila. Today's Kompaniganj, which was once a prosperous and prosperous town, has gone through many ups and downs. If we get a little closer to the folk culture of this region, it is easy to assume that this region has a rich folk culture. Folklore is a major branch of folk culture. Companiganj folk literature is much richer and closer to life than other parts of the country; It is easily inferred from the proverbs, regional songs, rhymes and rhymes of this region. The nature of this will be revealed in the following discussion.
Let's take the words of the proverb: "When the kudum of Mainesh goes to the isle, the cow's kudum goes to the kale" the meaning of the saying is that human kinship or hospitality is understood by coming and going and cows are understood by licking. The meaning of this proverb should not be left to understand that the common people of this region are traditionally kinsmen. Carefully.
But do we get a chance to think about the subtle philosophical causality that is at the root of these sayings? To be washed. In addition to general home education, this proverb proves that the people of this region have been accustomed to eating fish and meat for a long time. Because of the fish crisis, people are forced to eat dry food and people are forced to steal. In addition to this philosophical teaching, it is not difficult to understand that dryness like Chatgaon is not a casual food of this region. Thus, “Hail hona gajar hona, The instinctual feeling of self-centered love is simply articulated in the proverb, "Whoever has his own, has his own." Shoal fish, carrot fish which are giant fish, who eat other fish's fry in a hurry. But they keep their pona in the same way that people keep gold as a precious metal. Thousands of proverbs like the above five proverbs are constantly returning to the people here. Only we did not take it into consideration, no. If we take a look at the case of regional songs - I am talking about regional songs because, when folk songs are sung, it transcends our district and unites the entire Bhati region. However, it is not that Bhatiali songs do not have the originality of this district. The geographical range of Bhatiali songs is much wider. So the song of a small region seems to need predominance. Such as- “Idduritan Maijdi Shaur takes so much Bala, Although there is no such thing as "Hunch tala dash tala" when the national anthem is sung, the gentleman wearing coat pantaloons does not look at the pedestrian artist, but it can be said firmly that he keeps his ear there for a long time. He puts his signature in the memory of the listener. The regional songs and verses of this region which enlighten and ponder the people who are still deprived of their rights in the villages of Noakhali are also a proof of this.
The answer to the dilemma in "Ande gur gur, chhare madi cha chok tin hugudi" is to plow or plow. The fact that our illiterate predecessors were not incompetent at all in presenting the daily routine of life is an excellent proof of this. We have to pay homage to the merits of our predecessors in the deep observation revealed in the study of the life of this eight-legged creature. Such as "Udan Than Than Hindrat Bari, Dhala Hiristar Honde Dari".
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS